We're excited to have you join us!
Understanding the nature of the Nursing program is key to understanding our stringent admission process. ​The 4-year, 2-summer program consists of general education and professional courses taught alongside related learning experiences (RLE). The intensive nursing practicum is designed to refine a student's clinical skills from first year, and ensure a strong grasp of basic competencies required of a beginning nurse practitioner.
Pass the written UST Entrance Test (USTET).
The applicant should not have any severe physical malformity.
Height of at least five feet.
Form 138.
Pass the Personal Interview.
One 2 x 2 picture.
Certificate of Good Moral Character.
Married applicants may be considered on a case-to-case basis.
Scholastic achievement in the first and second term of the First Year with a weighted average that meets the cut-off average set by the Admissions Committee.
Certification of satisfactory attitude from First Year professors.
Passed all required subjects in the First Year.
Passed the Physical Examination in the UST Health Service.
Passed all pre-requisite subjects with no incomplete (INC) grade. ​
For high school graduates, requirements are similar as that of Level I. To sit for the USTET, you must submit these additional requirements.
For students with college-credit courses, your transcript must first be evaluated by the Office of the Dean. Please prepare requirements for Level I, along with relevant course materials for review by the Admissions Committee.
Admission of shifters from another college is subject to the availability of slots in the college. All shifters must course their apllications through the Office of the Dean for endorsement to the Office of the Secretary General for approval to take the shifter’s qualifying examination to be
administered by the Office of Student Admissions.
A shifter is required to comply with the grade and documentary requirements set by the college:
Pass the qualifying examination.
Certified True Copy of grades from the Registrar's Office.
Two (2) Certificates of Good Moral Character.
Pass the Personal Interview.
No failures, with an average of 2.0 or its equivalent. A student who has nine (9) units of deficienceis in general education courses is not allowed to shift.
A shifter is notified that he/she will start in the first year and that their grades in general education subjects will be included from the previous college will be included in the computation for the cut-off grade to qualify to the second year.