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Learn more about student organizations in the University. Read the handbook and download forms for org recognition.
DISCLAIMER. Social media posts of individual members of the Thomasian Nursing community are not curated or monitored by web admin. Individual posts do not necessarily reflect the views of the University or the administration.

Official student body government, composed of an Executive and Legislative Board. Leads College-wide activities year-round.

Official league of all Nursing athletes, sports men and women, cheerleading squad and drum line.

Recognized local chapter of the Philippine National Red Cross. Trains first responders, disaster management coordinators and leads blood drives.

Arbiter of campus politics. Leads the student body government election process.

Official choral group of the College. Welcomes vocalists and instrumentalists.

Recognized dance group of the College. Focuses on hiphop and jazz.

Writers, poets, photojournalists and artists responsible for producing the official publication of the College, the Nursing Journal.

Medical Missions Inc. offers social and medical-surgical services

Catholic living inspirational group

Recognized chapter of the socio-civic action group, Rotary Club.

Official club for inter-collegiate academic meets. Trains trivia enthusiasts, academic tutors and peer mentors.
What is the 5-point grading system?1.00 - 96 – 100% - Excellent 1.25 - 94 – 95 - Very Good 1.50 - 92 – 93 - Very Good 1.75 - 89 – 91 - Good 2.00 - 87 – 88 - Good 2.25 - 84 – 86 - Good 2.50 - 82 – 83 - Fair 2.75 - 79 – 81 - Fair 3.00 - 75 – 78 - Passed 5.00 - 74 below - Failed FA - Failure due to absences WP - Withdrew with permission WF - Withdrew without permission
What awards for students are given out?Honor Roll. An Honor Roll is drawn for each semester. To qualify for the Honor roll, student must have taken full load and obtained a general weighted average of at least 1.75, with no grade below 2.75. Graduation Honors. The following honors are awarded to graduating students who have been in residence for at least six (6) consecutive semesters immediately preceding graduation and whose general weighted average for the complete course is as follows: Cum Laude................... 1.46 – 1.75 Magna Cum Laude ...... 1.21 – 1.45 Summa Cum Laude...... 1.00 – 1.20 Dean Jesus Bacala Award This award named after the first Dean of the College of Nursing – is granted by the College to the student who obtains the highest rating in each year level. Sor Taciana Trinanes Award The College of Nursing offers three awards, consisting of gold, silver, and bronze medals, to the three graduating students who obtain the three highest ratings in the related learning experience in the entire nursing course. General Excellence Award This award is given by the UST Nurses Alumni Association to the graduating student who obtains the highest rating in the whole nursing course. Rector’s Academic Award For Academic Excellence Pope Leo XIII Community Development Award For Active Involvement in Community Development with Partner Communities or Sectoral Groups Quezon Leadership Award For Exceptional Leadership Benavides Outstanding Achievement Award For Outstanding Achievement of Regional, National or International Importance St. Dominic de Guzman Award For Outstanding Team Work St. Thomas Aquinas Award For Exceptionally Outstanding Performance This award is conferred only upon those students who received the Rector’s Award and any two of the other personal awards: namely; the Quezon Leadership Award, the Benavides Award, or the Pope Leo XIII Community Service Award, either during the same academic year or within the duration of their program.
What is the general rule on attendance and examinations?To earn the corresponding credits of courses enrolled in, every student is required to attend no less than 80%of the class days for every course. A student who failsto take the final examinations or to submit a major requirement of the course on account of illness or other valid reasons shall be given a mark of “INCOMPLETE” in the course or courses concerned. A student may be given special examinations only when his inability to take the prescribed examinations on the scheduled dates was due to illness or other justifiable reasons which he can support. A mark of “Incomplete” becomes a “Failure” when a student fails to take the special examination or comply with his deficiency on the scheduled date, which in no case should go beyond the immediately following semester.
What is the Enrichment Program?As part of the preparation for the examination for the Nurses Licensure Examination, an Enrichment Program is offered to the graduates. The subjects covered are: (1) Medical- Surgical Nursing; (2) Maternal and Child Nursing; (3) Community Health and Communicable Disease Nursing; (4) Fundamentals of Nursing, (4) Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing (5) Professional Adjustment, (6) Nursing Leadership, Management and Research and (7) Bioethics in Nursing Practice.
How do you relate academic units and grades?One University unit of credit is one-hour lecture or recitation, or three hours of laboratory, each week for the period of a complete semester. Enrolment in any course without the necessary prerequisites is not valid and shall not be credited regardless of the grade obtained. No overloads are allowed except in the last two semesters before graduation.