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our Approach to growth is Holistic

Our students are provided with means and access to a full range of support services to enable them to optimize their learning potential. 


Career and Counselling Center

The CCC aims to facilitate career success for every Thomasian. Activities such as career competencies training, industry partnerships, mock interviews, on-campus recruitment, career coaching, internships, and externships are provided for students and organized by licensed guidance counselors.

Campus Ministry

Through its various formation programs, liturgico-sacramental celebrations, and prayer services, the Center for Campus Ministry contributes to the integral formation of Thomasians in an effort to form a Christ-centered community. 

Internet and eLearning Services

Internet Access is provided to students for free. The campus is WiFi ready and students can access their web-enhanced courses, through the Blackboard Learning Management System, which innovates the teaching and learning process. Personalized e-mail addresses are provided upon enrollment.

Health Services

The Thomasian Health Care System delivers primary, emergency and specialty health care to all the members of the Thomasian Community. Services include entry level physical examination, general consultation and treatment, specialty care in Surgery, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology, Eye/Nose and Throat (ENT), Neurology & Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Anesthesia, Dermatology and Family Medicine; as well as Dental, Radiological and Nursing services.

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Our commitment to excellence begins with our students.


The College strives not only to ensure that University services are readily available, but exert every effort into contextualizing these services to the needs of our student nurses. Some of these initiatives are outlined below. 


College-Based Services


Career Counseling 

  • Assigned counselors per year level

  • Each class is assigned a pair of homeroom advisers and homeroom periods are designated per term to address student concerns

  • Career Planning and Development Committee trains career ambassadors, organizes a special Job Fair and professional talks for students


Campus Ministry 

  • Annual recollections for Levels I-III

  • Special recollection session for Level II, before Capping and Pinning Ceremonies

  • Scheduled pilgrimage for Level III 

  • 2-night retreat for graduating students at Caleruega


Internet and eLearning services

  • 1st floor laboratory is open for student research, homework and personal eLeap use

  • Skills Laboratory is WiFi enabled

  • Curricular forms are available for download on Nursing Website


Health Services

  • Pre-affiliation health exam before clinical exposure

  • Regular health updates and health drives provided by local Red Cross chapter

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